One possible solution, if all else fails, is to take legal action 如果其他办法都不行,还有一种可能是提起诉讼。
It is very unwise to take legal action against someone unless it is absolutely necessary. 如果没有绝对的必要就对某人起诉是很不明智的。
The prime minister has condemned it as an invasion of privacy and his lawyer has said he would take legal action against the newspaper. 贝卢斯科尼谴责这是侵犯隐私,并且他的律师也说将对报纸采取法律行动。
They were planning to take legal action against the hospital, according to the agency. 据称,朴泰桓团队已经打算对这家医院提起法律诉讼。
This information will be useful if you need to take legal action. 如果你需要采取法律行动,这些信息将很有帮助。
The company reserves its right to take legal action for damages or other relief, Tianhe said. 天合化工表示,公司保留采取法律行动追讨赔偿或其他补偿的权利。
The company said it planned to take legal action against the newspaper. 该公司称打算对时报采取法律措施。
In an initial statement, Tianhe reserved the right to take legal action for damages or other relief '. 在一份初步声明中,天合化工表示保留权利通过法律行动向该机构及/或有关的个人追讨损害赔偿或其他补偿。
It said the prime minister would take legal action against the recordings. 该办公室称,总理将对此采取法律手段回应。
This may cost you money that you are unable to recuperate but will help if you need to take legal action. 这会让你耗费一些金钱,但是如果你需要走法律途径的话,这会起到帮助。
Llamazares planned to ask the US government for an explanation and said he reserved the right to take legal action. 利亚马萨雷斯打算向美国政府讨个说法,并称将保留采取法律手段的权利。
Please be further advised if this firm has to take legal action for collection, we would seek additional fees and expenses for the collection efforts. 再特此告知,如果此事务所不得不采取法律行动收费,我们会为收费劳动要求额外的费用和开销。
The lawyer recommended his client to take legal action. 律师建议他的客户采取法律行动。
They aimed to expunge policyholders 'rights to take legal action; to delay by inviting Lord Penrose, a judge and accountant, to write a history of what had happened, which did not apportion blame to the regulator; and to obfuscate. 他们的意图是:剥夺投保人采取法律行动的权利;邀请法官兼会计师彭乐时勋爵(LordPenrose)记录发生的事件来拖延,而且这些记录也依然没有把责任归咎于监管方;还有就是混淆视听。
They might try to take legal action against you if you break the terms of the contract. 如果你违反合同条款,他们可能会对你采取法律行动。
They decided not to take legal action against him. 他们决定不对他提出诉讼。
We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action. 如果我们要采取法律行动,需要实实在在的证据。
She threatened to take legal action against the hospital. 她威胁说要把医院告上法庭。
If you fail to respond, the entire outstanding levy will become due immediately and the government may take legal action against you to recover the outstanding instalment. 如你不予理会,所有征款余款会即时到期,政府可采取法律行动,向你追讨欠款。
Reporter: You said in your blog that you were framed, will you take legal action? 羊城晚报:你在博客上称自己被冤枉,还会不会进一步采取法律行动?
Ousted prime minister Kevin Rudd is threatening to take legal action over claims he leaked damaging information about his own party-fed to him by the Liberals-while in opposition. 被推翻的总理陆克文威胁要采取法律行动,声称他泄露了他自己的政党的有害信息-助长了他的自由党-而反对。
She also made clear the union was prepared to take legal action against the companies involved. 她还明确表示,协会已准备对有关企业采取法律行动。
They will take legal action in the same federal court that issued the ruling last year. 他们将向去年宣布该裁决的同一个联邦法庭提起法律诉讼。
We will look to see if we can take legal action against the government either in England or Europe. 我们将考虑是否能对英国或欧洲的政府采取法律诉讼。
We plan to take legal action unless the payment is made in full. 我们打算采取法律措施,除非完全付清款项。
If you don't pay up, I'll take legal action. 你若不将钱还清的话,我全采取法律行动的。
But the agreement could encourage other Chinese companies to take legal action against foreign banks at home as a tactic to escape loss-making contracts, lawyers warned. 但律师们警告称,这一和解协议可能鼓励其它中国公司在本国对外国银行提起诉讼,作为摆脱亏损合约的一种手段。
Yet this week he said there was insufficient evidence to take legal action over the killings. 然而这个礼拜他说没有足够的证据去为受害者采取法律行动。
Why don't you take legal action against the store that sold you bad food? 你何不对那家卖你腐败食物的店采取法律行动?